EV Software Solutions

EMS Software

2023 · list of energy management software for the electric vehicle supply chain.

Top 10 Software

Here are the top 10 EMS software platforms in terms of popularity and ratings among industry:

· Facilio

· EnergyCAP

· Wattics

· Entronix EMP

· DEXMA Energy Intelligence

· Energis.Cloud

· Galooli

· Energy Manager

· Energy Elephant

· WatchWire

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EMS Software Features

Energy Management System (EMS) software is designed to help organizations manage and optimize their energy usage in buildings. For sustainability and climate, the software may have the following features and components:

Energy monitoring: The software should have tools and features that help users monitor energy usage in buildings, including tools for tracking and reporting on energy consumption, identifying areas for energy savings, and identifying patterns and trends in energy usage.

Building automation: The software should have tools and features that help users automate and control building systems, including HVAC, lighting, and other systems, to optimize energy usage and improve efficiency.

Energy forecasting: The software should have tools and features that help users forecast energy usage and demand, including tools for forecasting energy loads, identifying potential energy savings opportunities, and managing peak energy demand.

Carbon footprint tracking: The software should have tools and features that help users track the carbon footprint of their buildings, including tools for tracking and reporting on greenhouse gas emissions and identifying areas for carbon reduction.

Reporting and analytics: The software should have tools and features that help users generate reports and perform analytics on energy data, including tools for creating customized reports and dashboards, analyzing data and identifying trends, and automating data collection.

Energy portfolio management: The software should have tools and features that help users manage a portfolio of buildings and their energy usage, including tools for tracking and reporting on energy performance, identifying areas for improvement and automating energy management tasks.

Energy procurement: The software should have tools and features that help users manage and optimize energy procurement, including tools for tracking and reporting on energy prices, identifying energy savings opportunities, and automating energy procurement tasks.

Smart grid integration: The software should have tools and features that help users integrate building energy systems with the smart grid, including tools for monitoring and controlling energy usage, and automating energy management tasks.

Compliance management: The software should have tools and features that help users manage compliance with relevant regulations and industry standards related to energy management, including tools for tracking and reporting on compliance status and automating compliance-related tasks.

Data visualization: The software should have tools and features that help users visualize and interact with energy data, including tools for creating interactive visualizations of energy usage, identifying patterns and trends in energy usage, and automating data visualization tasks.
