EV Laws, Regs, Programs

CO EV Rebates, Incentives, Laws

CO state has a number of laws, incentives, rebates, programs, and initiatives at the state, city, and utility level with regards to green energy, fleet electrification, zero emission vehicles, EV charging infrastructure, and other climate mitigation measures.

CO EV purchase rebates & inventives

Colorado has 11 incentives or rebates at the state and city level with regards to the purchase or lease of an electric vehicle.

CO Colorado Electric Vehicle (EV) Plan
CO Electric Vehicle (EV) Adoption Support
CO Electric Vehicle (EV) Loan Program - Gunnison County Electric Association (GCEA)
CO Electric Vehicle (EV) Parking Regulations
CO Electric Vehicle (EV) Rebate - San Isabel Electric Association (SIEA)
CO Electric Vehicle (EV) Rebate - Xcel Energy
CO Electric Vehicle (EV) Special License Plate
CO Electric Vehicle (EV) Tax Credit
CO Electric Vehicle Emissions Inspection Exemption
CO Regional Electric Vehicle (REV) West Plan
CO Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Sales Requirements and Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) Standards

CO EV charging equipment rebates & incentives

Colorado has 15 incentives and rebates at the state or city level with regards to the purchase of EV charging equipment and infrastructure.

CO Colorado National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Planning
CO Commercial Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Rebates - Colorado Springs Utilities (CSU)
CO Direct Current Fast Charging (DCFC) Plazas Program
CO Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Building Standards
CO Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Incentive - Holy Cross Energy (HCE)
CO Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Policies for Multi-Unit Dwellings
CO Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Program - Xcel Energy
CO Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Rebate - Gunnison County Electric Association (GCEA)
CO Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Rebate - Holy Cross Energy (HCE)
CO Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Rebate - San Isabel Electric Association (SIEA)
CO Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Rebate and Time-Of-Use (TOU) Rate - Xcel Energy
CO Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations Funding Authorization
CO Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure Support
CO Non-Residential Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Rebate - Black Hills Energy
CO Residential Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Rebate - Black Hills Energy

CO EV charging rate discounts

Colorado has 1 incentives or discount at the local utility level with regards to Time-of-Use (TOU) EV charging.

CO Non-Residential Electric Vehicle (EV) Time-Of-Use (TOU) Rate - Black Hills Energy

CO commercial electrification incentives

Colorado has the following incentives for commercial electrification:

CO Drive Clean Colorado, a Clean Cities Coalition
CO Northern Colorado Clean Cities Coalition
CO Public Transit Electrification Incentive Authorization
CO Transportation Electrification Workgroup

CO other incentives

Colorado has the following other incentives for the purchase of an electric vehicle or related equipment:

CO Advanced Industries (AI) Accelerator Program Grants
CO Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Weight Exemption
CO Diesel Emissions Reduction Grant
CO Electric School Bus Grant
CO Electric Vehicle (EV) and EV Charging Station Grants
CO Electric Vehicle (EV) and Infrastructure Coaching Service
CO Industrial and Manufacturing Operations Emissions Reduction Grant

CO EV laws & programs

Colorado has 19 laws at the state level with regards to green energy, fleet electrification, zero emission vehicles, EV charging infrastructure, and other climate mitigation measures.

CO Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Registration
CO Autonomous Vehicle (AV) Testing and Operation Support
CO Clean Energy Career Program
CO Climate Action Plan
CO Colorado Electric Vehicle (EV) Plan
CO Electric Vehicle (EV) Adoption Support
CO Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Building Standards
CO Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Policies for Multi-Unit Dwellings
CO Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations Funding Authorization
CO Electric Vehicle (EV) Parking Regulations
CO Electric Vehicle (EV) Special License Plate
CO Fleet Alternative Fuel Vehicle Incentive Authorization
CO Medium- and Heavy-Duty Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Deployment Support
CO Public Transit Electrification Incentive Authorization
CO Regional Electric Vehicle (REV) West Plan
CO State Agency Alternative Fuel Use and Vehicle Acquisition Requirement
CO Transportation Electrification Workgroup
CO Vehicle Fleet Maintenance and Fuel Cost-Savings Contracts
CO Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Sales Requirements and Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) Standards