EV Laws, Regs, Programs

FL EV Rebates, Incentives, Laws

FL state has a number of laws, incentives, rebates, programs, and initiatives at the state, city, and utility level with regards to green energy, fleet electrification, zero emission vehicles, EV charging infrastructure, and other climate mitigation measures.

FL EV purchase rebates & inventives

Florida has 5 incentives or rebates at the state and city level with regards to the purchase or lease of an electric vehicle.

FL All-Electric Vehicle (EV) and EV Charging Station Rebates - KUA
FL Electric Vehicle (EV) Incentive for Dealerships - Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC)
FL Electric Vehicle (EV) Insurance Regulation
FL Electric Vehicle (EV) Leasing Program - Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC)
FL Electric Vehicle (EV) Rebate - Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC)

FL EV charging equipment rebates & incentives

Florida has 12 incentives and rebates at the state or city level with regards to the purchase of EV charging equipment and infrastructure.

FL Commercial Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Pilot Program - Tampa Electric Company (TECO)
FL Commercial Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Rebates - Duke Energy
FL Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Credit - Duke Energy
FL Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Regulation Exemption
FL Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station and Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) Policies for Condominiums
FL Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Financing Authorization
FL Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Incentives - Brickell Energy
FL Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Pilot Program - Duke Energy
FL Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Rules
FL Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure Support
FL Florida National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Planning
FL Residential Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Charging Rebate - JEA

FL EV charging rate discounts

FL commercial electrification incentives

Florida has the following incentives for commercial electrification:

FL Central Florida Clean Cities Coalition
FL Commercial Electrification Rebates - Jacksonville Electric Authority (JEA)
FL State Highway Electrification Plan
FL Tampa Bay Clean Cities Coalition

FL other incentives

FL EV laws & programs

Florida has 8 laws at the state level with regards to green energy, fleet electrification, zero emission vehicles, EV charging infrastructure, and other climate mitigation measures.

FL Authorization for Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Incentives
FL Autonomous Vehicle (AV) Testing and Operation
FL Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Regulation Exemption
FL Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station and Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) Policies for Condominiums
FL Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Rules
FL Electric Vehicle (EV) Insurance Regulation
FL Low-Speed Vehicle Access to Roadways
FL State Highway Electrification Plan